Nadia Sword



Lost man
Lost Businessman in Foggy Field with Mixed Signs

I've been down

that all to familiar road.

Ever wondered if this is all life has to offer?

I've been there, feeling lost in the overwhelm of responsibilities and unsure ​of which direction to take. You know that disheartening feeling of being ​stuck, as your goals seemingly slip further out of reach.

You’re not alone.

I've faced days where the stress and pressure of daily life overshadowed ​my joy and fulfillment, both in my personal life and relationships. Feeling ​disconnected and often wondering, ‘Where did it all go wrong?’

But I discovered it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can have excitement and joy again, feeling fulfilment in your life and ​relationships. I’m here you gain clarity, let go of limitations, tap into your ​true potential and have the courage to explore new possibilities.

Woman leaping

A Leap of Faith...

It all began with a yearning for a brighter future for my son. Leaving ​behind our familiar home in New Zealand, we took a leap into the ​unknown of Australia, a land brimming with possibilities.

Not long after arriving, I met my late husband who embraced my son ​as his own; we started a family, tied the knot, and chased the ​Australian Dream. But with that came all the daily stresses, and as ​our family started to expand, we became distant, almost like ​strangers.

We reached a point of feeling unfulfilled and living in an unhappy ​relationship. We were faced with a daunting choice: End it or change ​and commit to working together and do whatever it takes. We ​thought, well, what could possibly go wrong?

If it doesn't work, we can at least say we did whatever we could to ​save it! And we went all in!

We started taking responsibility for our actions, focused on personal ​growth and communication. Our marriage changed dramatically, ​and together we became certified Success Coaches, reigniting our ​love and mapping out dreams to help others do the same.

Tragically, his sudden passing meant never realising this future ​together. Our journey wasn't just about overcoming challenges; it ​was about embracing growth and finding resilience in adversity.

Despite this loss, my passion for living a life of freedom and chasing ​my dreams drives me to inspire others to do the same. I am ​dedicated to helping couples reconnect in their relationships and ​supporting individuals coping with anxiety and grief, ensuring our ​shared vision lives on.

Find yourself

right here.

Do you often put others first and feel unappreciated? Feeling ​drained, unfulfilled, and directionless? It's time to prioritize ​yourself and begin your personal growth journey.

Discover what ignites your soul and energizes you to pursue ​your dreams. Imagine a life where prioritizing your needs isn't ​selfish. To create a meaningful, joy-filled life, you’ve got to ​embrace your quirks and do what you love. It’s not just about ​seeking happiness; it’s about building a life of genuine ​satisfaction and fulfillment.

I’m here to help you break through limiting beliefs, reignite ​your passions, and create lasting change. Together, we will ​craft a life that feels as amazing on the inside as it looks on the ​outside. Think of me as your guide, mentor, and cheerleader, ​here to empower, inspire, and celebrate with you every step of ​the way.

My Mission

Turning Dreams into Reality

"The Graveyard is the Richest Place on Earth, Full of Unfulfilled ​Potential and Unrealised Dreams." - Les Brown.

Tragedy forces us to reflect on life. Watching my husband's ​dreams vanish with him, unfinished and unfulfilled, made me ​realise that we often think, 'I'll do it when...' or 'I can't until...'. ​But the truth is, the only 'right time' is now.

By sharing my journey, I hope to show you that those once-​impossible dreams are possible when you embrace courage ​and decisiveness. Let me inspire you to live fully, love deeply ​and create a meaningful life, because it’s never too late—​until it is.

Gold Glitter Curl splash
Gold Glitter Circle Frame
Sparkling crystals butterfly
Gold Glitter
Your dreams
Parental Advisory Explicit Content
Parental Advisory Explicit Content
Gold Glitter
Incandescent Moth

Courage is the Key that Unlocks your Dreams.

Are you ready to transform your dreams into ​reality?

Step forward with I’m here to walk beside you, ​offering support and insight as you take the steps ​towards a life that reflects who you truly are.

It’s time to stop wondering ‘what if? and start ​living your "what's next?" with excitement and ​confidence.

Let's do this together!

Nadia xo

Nadia Sword



About Me

Hey lovely, I'm here to be your biggest supporter ​and certified Self Mastery Specialist, specialising ​in tackling that pesky anxiety. Together, we'll ​manage stress, smash your goals, and help you ​step into a life filled with confidence and joy. ​Ready to start feeling amazing?

© Nadia Sword | All Rights Reserved

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